Software & Purchasing2018-09-17T09:24:33+01:00

Software & Purchasing


As standard the following software is available on desktop machines:

  • Operating System: Windows 10.
  • Office 2016 (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook)
  • Nuance PDF
  • EndNote X9
  • NVIVO 11
  • SPSS 23
  • R
  • Java Runtime Enviroment
  • Chrome
  • Notepad++
  • FileZilla
  • Python 2.7
  • Winscp
  • Putty

Site licenced software for students:

Site licenced software is software for which the University holds a licence which allows students to install the software on their personal computers while they are at Oxford. At this time the University’s site licence covers NVIVO and SPSS.

If you would like to use NVIVO or SPSS on personally owned machines you will need to purchase a licence from the OUCS online shop (at zero cost).

Once you have “purchased” a personal licence, licensed users can then retrieve their key from the online self-registration: ​

You can either purchase the media from the online shop or borrow a CD from the IT office. You will need to make sure to return the cd after you are finsihed so that other users are able to borrow it.​