Events Request Form2019-09-10T16:30:51+01:00

Events Request Form

This form should be used if you are requesting an event booking and need support from the OII. Please note that this is an event request, and an event is only confirmed and the preparation process started when the Events Officer has confirmed so in writing.  If you simply need to book a room for a meeting, use the room booking form instead.

Event Request Form - Guest Lecture
Are you:
Does this event require a registration webpage?
Does this event require filming? (Please note that this is subject to availability)
If you require any support marketing the event, please specify:

Speaker’s Information- The speaker will be contacted by the Events Team (with the organiser in cc) with logistics upon confirmation of the event

The following will be requested from the speaker in order to finalise the event: title, abstract, speaker bio, speakers preferred url, speakers twitter (if applicable), and confirmation of filming permission.

Terms & Conditions